Tsuikahô 392: On the night watch

Translated by Matthew Keller

Item: Regarding that the magistrates of the various precincts in Kamakura are to organize and facilitate the night watch. 1

As the night watch exists to protect the town and prevent evil acts, it is an important duty. 2 Thieves fear {the night watch}, and so cease their actions. Arsonists are deterred by {the night watch}, and cease {setting fires}. Therefore, order the various precincts’ magistrates that they are to strictly organize and facilitate {the night watch}.

Original Text 原文

一 可令催勤鎌倉中諸保夜行事



Kundoku 訓読

一 鎌倉中諸保の夜行を催勤さいきんせしむびき事  夜行は警衛止悪けいえいしあくかなめなり。盗賊どうぞくやから、これに恐れこだわるべし。放火ほうかの類、これをはばかり止むべし。然らば則ち諸保の奉行人等に仰せ、厳重にこれを催勤せしむべきなり。

Modern 現代語訳

一つ 鎌倉中保々の夜行(の仕事)を催促して勤めさせることについて

夜行は、街の警備と悪行の防止において、重要な点である。盗賊の集団は夜行を恐れて、思いとどまるであろう。火をつける者は夜行に遠慮して、(放火を)中止するだろう。従って、 保々の奉行人たちに命じて、厳重に夜行をさせるように。

  1. Other legal documents suggest that the people were often lax in performing their night watch duties. See for instance tsuikahō #249.

  1. ~之要也 (~no kaname nari) -- this simple phrase designates the foregoing clause as something of importance or priority.