Taiki: Kôji 2 {1143} 3.30 and 11.17 Entries on Studying History

Translated by Emily Warren


Kōji 2 3.30

Thirtieth Day. < Hinoto no i. 1 > I completed the eighteenth chapter of the Correct Meanings of the Zuo Commentary on the Spring and Autumn Annals during the Hour of the Rooster. All day long I looked over the Correct Meanings. < Because I was thinking about the meaning while reading, I did not get through even half a volume. > While I am eating and drinking, I will have the students recite The History of the Southern Dynasties. I have already had the students prepare excerpts for me. I am only studying the Classics and taking no breaks to study the Histories. I am wasting time not doing anything else while I am eating and drinking. During this time, I will have {the students} recite The History of the Southern Dynasties. The students and I will recite it three times.


Kōji 2 11.17

Seventeenth Day. < Tsuchinoto no mi. 2 > As of late, I have been studying the Classics, I did not have time to study the Histories 3 . This spring, I ordered five students to recite the key sections of The History of the Southern Dynasties whenever I ate or bathed. These efforts ended yesterday 5 . Today, they moreover quizzed me with the beginning {of the passages} 4 . If I knew the {latter half of the quotation}, I would say the end. If I did not know it, the students would recite the rest of it. Through this , {I determined} whether I knew {the text}, {as well as} whether I am sharp or dull. Within Book Seventy of the The History of the Southern Dynasties, altogether, the {number of passages} the students {and I} recited was 591. Of these, I knew 285 and did not know 306. That is not even half. I am deeply embarrassed. The next day I finished recitations.
  1. The twenty-fourth day in the sexegenary cycle.

  1. The sixth day in the sexegenary cycle.

  1. Here, Yorinaga refers to a general category of the famed Chinese histories. He has thus far focussed his efforts on the Classics, which would be philosophical teachings, poetry, and other topics.

  1. It is not clear what system they used to choose passages to quiz Yorinaga. The 70th book of The History of the Southern Dynasties 南史 does not contain enough marked lines or passages to make up Yorinaga’s testing regimen. They likely read the first half of a quotation, then waited for him to finish it.

  1. The timeline for this project—when he finished practicing, which days he was tested—is unclear.

Original Text 原文


Kundoku 訓読

三十日、<丁亥ひのとのい。>『春秋正義』巻第十八を了ぬ。酉の刻なり。この間、終日しゅうじつ『正義』を見る。<義を案ずるの間、一巻の半分にすぎず。>飲食の時、生徒をもって『南史』 1 を語らしむ。あらかじめ生徒に仰せて、これをしょうたてまつらしむ。もっぱら経を学び、史を学ぶ暇なきも、飲食の時、いたずら光景こうけいうつす。よって、その間『南史』を語らしむ。生徒・われ三遍語る。

Modern Japanese 現代語訳




Original Text 原文


Kundoku 訓読

十七日、〈己巳つちのとのみ。〉余、近年経 2 を学ぶも、史 3 を学ぶにいとまなし。これによりて今春より生徒五人に命じ、食物じきもつ及び沐浴の時、『南史』の要書をかたらしむ。〈三反。〉きのうそのこうを終える。今日、又さらに生徒等、其の始をう。もし事を覚らば、余、其のすえこたう。もし覚らざらば、その末、生徒なお語る。是れを覚るかいなかをもって、余のびんどんを知らん。『南史』伝七十巻の内、生徒語るところは、おおよそ五百九十一事 4 。其の中、覚るところは二百八十五。三百六は覚らず、半分に及ばず。深く恥となす。翌日これを語り了ぬ。

Modern Japanese 現代語訳

十七日。〈己巳つちのとのみ。〉私は、近年 努めを終えた。


  1. 中国の正史。二十五史の一つ。本紀一〇巻、列伝七〇巻からなる。唐の李延寿撰。高宗(在位六四九~六八三)の時成立。南朝の宋・斉・梁・陳四国の正史を改修した通史。南朝北朝の歴史がそれぞれ自国中心であるのを是正し、双方を対照し、条理を整えて編集したもの。(『日本国語大辞典』抜粋)

  1. 中国の古典である。

  1. 中国の歴史という意味。

  1. 頼長が覚えた『南史』の引用の数え方は不明。