Taiki: Kōji 1 {1142} 8.6 Entry

Translated by Emily Warren and Jillian Barndt

Kōji 1 8.6 Entry

Sixth Day. Hinoe tora 1 . This morning, I had Minor Superintendent 2 Kakusei <{who is living in} Nara 3 > carry out the dedicatory rites {for my statue} of a Thousand Armed Kannon 4 , of which was begun on the sixteenth day of the previous month 5 . It is to be sent to the Nakagawa Holy Man Jippan 6 and installed, with prayers to heal my skin disease 7 . In boyhood, I kept a cat that became sick and to address this, I immediately drew the Thousand-Armed Kannon, praying that {my cat} would soon recover from illness and live to be ten years old. My cat recovered and died after reaching ten years old. <{I had the cat} wrapped in cloth and placed in a chest to be buried.> I know this bodhisattva to be miraculously efficacious 8 . So petitionary prayers are to be offered to this buddha in particular for my skin disease.

As regards to the horse which was {given for} the Kashima envoy 9 {Yorinaga’s houseman, Fujiwara no Norichika}, I am delighted. I had (Fujiwara no) Tamezane tell this to Lord (Fujiwara no) Akiyori 10 . The contents {of my message} were: “{My gratitude} should be conveyed directly to the retired monarch, Toba 11 . This 12 was not something that I wished for, nor was it directly communicated to me. Conveying {my gratitude} to him directly would be impolite. If you have the occasion to do so, please relay my thanks {to Toba} in an appropriate manner.

Today were the prayers for the Uji nun and primary wife (of Fujiwara no Tadazane) (Minamoto no Shishi) 13 . There was chanting of the Yakushi sutra 14 at the Central Hall {of Enryakuji}. Fudō Myōō’s prayers were intoned using prayer beads at Mudōji 15 . The Master of Discipline Kanshō was ordered to carry out these rituals. Starting today, they chant the Thousand-Armed Kannon’s short mantra 16 every day.
  1. The third day of the sexagenary cycle.

  1.  The minor superintendent position 少僧都 was a position in the Office of Monastic Affairs below the superintendent of monks 僧正. The position was intended to aid important priests and be in charge of monks and nuns. (日本国語大辞典, Digital Dictionary of Buddhism)

  1.  Southern capital (nankyō) 南京, which appears here, is another name for Nara, but in this case specifically refers to Kōfukuji. (日本国語大辞典)

  1.  Kuyō 供養 in this case refers to dedicatory rites to a statue that transforms it from a mere statue to a holy object. (日本国語大辞典, Digital Dictionary of Buddhism). Kuyō can also refer to a broad spectrum of memorial rights.

  1.  Senju kannon 千手觀音is one form of Avalokitêśvara, a bodhisattva depicted with multiple arms. (Digital Dictionary of Buddhism)

  1. Nakagawa is located in the forested mountains outside Nara.  Here, Yorinaga calls Jippan a shōnin 聖人, which means that he is an enlightened person who eschews typical temple practice, perhaps engaging with the lay populace or mountain ascetics similar to a hijiri 聖. A miracle worker.  Jippan 実範 (d. 1144) was a late Heian scholar monk of esoteric Buddhism who founded the temple of Kawanodera 川寺 in Yamato province. He was the fourth child of Fujiwara no Akizane 藤原顕実. He had the confidences of Fujiwara Yorinaga and Fujiwara Munetada, among others. “Nakagawa” might be referring to his temple here.(日本国語大辞典) See also Marc Bujinsters, “Jichihan and the Restoration and Innovation of Buddhist Practice” Japanese Journal of Religious Studies, 24, 1-2, (1999):39-82. 

  1.  Rekiyō 癧瘍 is a disease affecting skin on the face and body. (日本国語大辞典)

  1.  Reigen 霊験 refers to the miraculous ability or efficacy of buddhas and other deities to answer prayers. (Digital Dictionary of Buddhism)

  1.  Kashima jingu 鹿島神宮, located in Hitachi province (modern-day Ibaraki prefecture). The Fujiwara clan was connected with the shrine since the 7th century, when the Nakatomi clan (which would later become the Fujiwara) oversaw the shrine as it came to prominence under royal edict in 645. 

  1.  1094-1148, full title is Former Provisional Middle Councilor. Served as a confidant to the retired monarch Toba. 

  1.  1103-1156, r. 1107-1123, served as retired sovereign 1129-1156. One of his wives was Fujiwara no Taishi (1095-1156), Yorinaga’s sister. 

  1.  Unclear if its a permanent gift or something he is only being lent, thus we have left it as “honor” to maintain the uncertainty. 

  1. Minamoto no Shishi 源師子 (1070−1149) was the daughter of Minamoto no Akifusa 源顕房 and worked in the back palace of Shirakawa Tennō. After becoming pregnant, she married Fujiwara noTadazane and gave birth to Kakuhō Hōshinnō. With Tadazane, she had Kaya no In 高陽院, who would go on to be the queen consort of the retired monarch Toba, and she had Fujiwara Tadamichi. She lived to be seventy-nine years of age. (日本人名大辞典) 

  1.  Medicine Buddha Sutra is the abbreviated name of the Original Vows of the Medicine-Master Tathāgata of Lapis Light Sutra (Skt. Bhaiṣajyaguru-vaiḍūrya-prabhā-rāja Sūtra). It is a Mahayana sutra that details the twelve and merits of Medicine Buddha. These vows including healing all diseases, including ignorance. (Digital Dictionary of Buddhism)

  1.  Located in the Enryakuji complex on Mt. Hiei.

  1.  Different Buddhist deities typically have different mantras dedicated to them. Additionally, there are shorter and longer versions of these set mantras. In case of the Thousand-Armed Kannon, the short mantra is Om Basara Daruma Kiri Sowaka (in the Japanese pronunciation). 

Original Text 原文





Kundoku 訓読

六日。〈丙寅ひのえとら。〉去る月の十六日に始めたてまつる所の千手観音せんじゅかんのん、今朝、少僧都しょうぞうず 1 覚晴かくせい南京なんきょう 2 〉をして、供養くよう 3 せしめ了ぬ。中川聖人なかがわしょうにん実範じっぱん 4 もとに遣わし、これをくうぜしむ。癧瘍れきよう 5 平癒へいゆを祈る。僕、少年にして猫をやしなう。猫、しつ有り。すなわち千手像をえがく。祈りて曰わく、請い願わくば、疾の速く除愈じょゆ 6 せんことを、又猫をして十歳にみたさしめんことを。猫即ち平愈し、十歳に至りてす。〈衣に裹みひつに入れほうむるなり。〉ここに知る、此の菩薩の霊験れいげんあらたなることを。よりて此の癧瘍れきようことに此の仏に祈請きしょうするものなり。

鹿島使かしまづがい 7 の馬の事、喜悅きえつの由、(藤原)為実ためざねを以て、(藤原)顕頼あきより卿にしめす。其のことばに曰わく、すべからくじきに院に申すべし。然而しかれども所望しょもうの事にあらず。又余のもとに仰せられず。じきに申さしむるは無礼ぶれいる。便宜べんぎの時、しかるべきのよう披露(ひろうすべきなり。

今日宇治うじ尼北政所あまきたまんどころ源師子みなもとのしし、藤原忠実の室)の御祈おいのりとして、中堂ちゅうどう薬師経やくしきょう御読経みどきょうと、無動寺むどうじ 8 不動ふどう御念珠ごねんじゅ、〈おのおの僧三口さんく。〉律師りっし寬勝かんしょうおおせて修せしむ。今日より毎日、千手の小呪しょうじゅを満たす。
  1. 少僧都(しょうそうず):僧綱の一員。僧正の下にあって、大僧都を助けて僧尼を統率する僧官。(『日国』抜粋)

  1.  南京(なんきょう): 平城京の別称。平安京を北京(ほっきょう)と呼ぶのに対する。南都。(『日国』抜粋)

  1.  供養(きょうよう):僧の三宝または死者の霊などに対して諸物を供えて回向すること。孝養(きょうよう)。くよう。(『日国』抜粋)

  1.  (?−1144)平安時代後期の顕密の学僧、戒律の復興者。(『国史』抜粋)

  1.   癧瘍(れきよう):顔面および身体にできる皮膚病。(『日国』抜粋)

  1. 除愈(じょゆ):病気がなおること。(『日国』抜粋)

  1.   鹿島使(かしまづかい):茨城県鹿島神宮に遣わされた奉幣使。鹿島神宮は皇室の崇敬もあつく、藤原氏も氏神として仰いだので、平安時代初期春日祭の整備に伴い、祭使(奉幣使)が遣わされる例が始まり、これを鹿島使とよんだ。春日祭の当日たる二月上申日に藤原氏氏長者が勧学院の学生(六位以上の者)を選定し、これに祭使の宣旨を下し内印官符を賜い、内蔵寮史生一人を相添え、常陸に発遣する例であった(『類聚符宣抄』『北山抄』『朝野群載』など)。王朝の衰退とともに、朝廷に代わって常陸国司代常陸大掾家より一族の者に命じて毎年七月中旬鹿島使として参向させる例となり、応永年間(一三九四―一四二八)まで続き、その後は断続的に行われて文亀三年(一五〇三)に至った。(『日本史大辞典』抜粋)

  1.  無動寺(むどうじ):大津市坂本本町の比叡山東塔無動寺谷にある。天台回峰修験の根本道場。円仁の弟子相応によって創められ、『山門堂舎記』には貞観七年(八六五)相応和尚建立とある。無動寺谷は叡南あるいは南山などとも称せられ、青蓮院門跡所蔵の『門葉記』の絵図編に、相応常住の南山房と明王堂(無動寺本堂)の指図がある。南山房は南面した東西に長い建物で、相応が南山房で八十八歳の生涯をとじると、ここに相応の影像が安置され、御影堂的性格をもつようになる。明王堂は南面する五間四面の建物で、内陣中央須弥壇(しゅみだん)上に秘仏不動明王の厨子を中心に脇侍の不動二躯と二童子、壇の四隅に四大明王を配している。明王堂は延喜十四年(九一四)枇杷殿大臣藤原仲平によって造替され、爾来三間の堂になったと伝える。(『国史』抜粋)

Modern Japanese 現代語訳


