Sakurada Marie: The Royal Consort Before the Ritsuryô System

2:45-3:15 Sakurada Marie, Meiji University

“The Royal Consort Before the Ritsuryô System”

It is the common opinion that the kisaki (royal consort), the title for a wife of the tennô in the time before the implementation of the ritsuryô system, supports the theory that the title ôkisaki, referring to the tennô’s legal wife, was a predecessor of the title kôgô (senior queen-consort), later changing into a clear hierarchy. However, per examination of ôkisaki in historical records prior to the implementation of the ritsuryô system, ôkisaki did not mean “legal wife.”  For that reason, ôkisaki was not the predecessor of the title kôgô. Additionally, in the Nihon shoki, titles for “legal wife” besides kisaki are listed under the ritsuryô system. Those titles, however, were not all utilized equally under the ritsuryô system, and the Nihon shoki record does not demonstrate a clear hierarchy under kisaki. Further, without the existence of the legal wife term ôkisaki, one can say that a clear hierarchy for kisaki under the ritsuryô system did not exist. Nevertheless some royal consorts possessed an influential voice, could be enthroned as a female sovereign, or were chosen to preside over retainers like the tennô. While this was not the case for all royal consorts, at times when the post of tennô was vacant the influence of the royal consort is clear. Thus, one can consider that the royal consort had a different status than under the ritsuryô system. I will consider how the royal consort before the ritsuryô system did not exist as ôkisaki. The administrative code created a different hierarchy. And yet, it is true that some royal consorts exercised a forceful voice within the court and could be enthroned as a female sovereign.

Scans of documents used in Sakurada's research to demonstrate readings and definitions of particular titles prior to the Ritsuryô.

Scans of documents used in Sakurada's research to demonstrate readings and definitions of particular titles prior to the Ritsuryô.

